Tips for Hiking With Girl’s Best Friend

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Ruby on Black Balsam Knob

As you all already know I love to hike!  I would go out and hike in the mountains daily if my job allowed it!  One thing that makes hiking so much better though is hiking with girls best friend.  In my case, that is Ruby and one day soon Piper (you really shouldn’t take dogs on long hikes until they are one).  In my opinion, doing anything is improved by doing it with your four-legged family member!  So if you are like me then here are some good tips for hiking with your pup(s)!

  • Be mindful of their paws. Yes, they normally do not wear shoes but on long hikes they can get blisters.  I got my pets some of Kurgos dog shoes.  It takes them a minute to get used to them but after they adjust they walk just fine.  This gives me peace of mind that they aren’t going to step on something and cut their paw and then be down for the count in the middle of nowhere.
Zach and Piper enjoying the snow
  • Carry extra water and food.  Whether you are going on a day hike or a backpacking trip with your companion, always pack them more food and water than you think you will need.  You can refill water if you have a purification system, so be sure to know how often you will come to a water source and overfill when you come to one.  Don’t forget a collapsible bowl for them to eat/drink out of!
  • Bring a leash. It is always good to have- even though your dogs are part of the family and you are in the middle of nowhere they are still animals and react differently in unfamiliar places and situations.

ruby tent

  • Bring them something to sleep on. No, you do not need to bring their dog bed from home but after a long day hiking, your dog wants somewhere to snuggle up.  If it is cold make sure you bring them some layers to put on at night (and hike in if it is really cold during the day) or let them in your bag with you if you have enough space.  Kurgo makes affordable dog jackets for active dogs and Ruffwear makes a great dog sleeping bag.  They also have nice active dog wear but is a little more expensive than Kurgo.
ruby and me fl
Ruby and me hiking the Florida Trail
  • Make them carry their own weight. With their extra food, water, sleeping arrangements and leash they have acquired quite a bit of stuff for you to carry.  That is why they make dog packs!  Ruby loves wearing hers from Ruffwear because she associates it with going awesome places and having fun.  With them carrying their own stuff will free up a lot of space in your pack.
Ruby and Zach at Linville Gorge
  • Trim their nails. The last thing you need to happen is for them to climb into your tent for the night with you and for their nails to go through the floor.  It is better to be safe then sorry just give their nails a little trim before you hit the trail.
me and ruby
Ruby and I
  • Train! This may be the most important.  Just like you wouldn’t set out on a 200 mile hike without doing some type of training, neither should your dog.  Take your dog on day hikes with you while you prep for your trip or if you don’t have time for day trips, take them on walks through the neighborhood and gradually increase the length to build up their endurance.



Published by itskwood

I love anything outdoors and get outside at any opportunity!! I also love dancing and doing yoga but I get to do the later more often.

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